
When will it go live on March 10th?

Expect release late afternoon/evening European time, around or after 19:00 CET. This is unfortunately out of our hands and relies on Steam.



Can you pre-load the game on Steam?

Nope, but the download is only (roughly) 3gb!



I have bought the game via not-steam when will I get my key?

You have to contact your retailer for details.



I have bought the game via your webshop (Paradoxplaza.com) when will I get my key?

We'll start to send out keys this evening and keep going through the day tomorrow.



What if I have a physical copy?

Same deal, the game won't activate until launch.



I need help!

If you're experiencing technical issues, please first refer to our tech support forum to see if someone reported something similar.

If you're having an issue with your purchase (such as not reciveing keys) please contact your retailers support.

If you find an issue that has not been reported nor declared as a known issue, please issue an as detailed as possible bug report in that subforum. (Bug reports that do not include information on how to replicate bug will most likely be removed/archived)


Where do I find my DDE content?

In the Skylines install folder, generally located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities Skylines



How do I claim my Zen Garden from the signup?

We will send you a key to the email address you signed up for the newsletter with.



Where do i find my pre-order content?

It will be in-game, you do not need to claim any additional keys.



Are tunnels going to be added after release?

Yes, some time after launch we are going to add tunnels to the game.





2022-03-15 遊戲攻略


2022-03-15 遊戲攻略


2022-03-15 遊戲攻略


2022-03-15 遊戲攻略


2022-03-15 遊戲攻略

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2022-03-15 遊戲攻略